Employing Secondary and Approximate Authorizations to Improve Access Control Systems
/ Konstantin Beznosov
The request-response paradigm used for developing access control solutions commonly leads to point-to-point (PTP) architectures, with security enforcement logic obtaining decisions from authorization servers through remote procedure calls. [...]
Published in Konstantin Beznosov "Employing Secondary and Approximate Authorizations to Improve Access Control Systems," Halifax, NS, Canada, Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University, 12 October, 2006, pp.43.:
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The Secondary and Approximate Authorization Model and its Application to BellLaPadula Policies
/ Konstantin Beznosov
The request-response paradigm used for access control solutions commonly leads to point-to-point (PTP) architectures, with security enforcement logic obtaining decisions from authorization servers through remote procedure calls. [...]
Published in Konstantin Beznosov "The Secondary and Approximate Authorization Model and its Application to BellLaPadula Policies," Marina del Rey, Clifornia, USA, Computer Networks Division, Information Sciences Institute, the University of Southern California, 6 February, 2006, pp.35.:
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The Secondary and Approximate Authorization Model and its Application to Bell-LaPadula Policies
/ Jason Crampton ; Wing Leung ; Konstantin Beznosov
We introduce the concept, model, and policy-specific algorithms for inferring new access control decisions from previous ones. [...]
Published in Jason Crampton, Wing Leung, Konstantin Beznosov "The Secondary and Approximate Authorization Model and its Application to Bell-LaPadula Policies," In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT), Lake Tahoe, California, USA, ACM, 7-9 June, 2006, pp.111-120.:
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SaamViz - Visualizer for SAAM
/ Johnson Ming-Che Tsai
The purpose of the project is to create a visualization component for the secondary and approximate authorization model (SAAM) simulator to assist in the study of SAAM. [...]
Published in J. Tsai, "SaamViz - Visualizer for SAAM," Laboratory for Education and Research in Secure Systems Engineering, University of British Columbia, Technical Report LERSSE-TR-2006-XX, 2006.:
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Secondary and Approximate Authorization Model (SAAM) and its Application to Bell-LaPadula Policies
/ Konstantin Beznosov
The talk defines the secondary and approximate authorization model (SAAM) [...]
Published in Authorization Model (SAAM) and its Application to Bell-LaPadula Policies," Los
Angeles, Information Sciences Institute, 6 February, 2006, pp.35. :
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Recycling Authorizations: Toward Secondary and Approximate Authorizations Model (SAAM)
/ Konstantin Beznosov
In large and complex enterprises, obtaining authorizations could be communicationally and/or computationally expensive, and, due to infrastructure failures, some times even impossible. [...]
Published in Konstantin Beznosov, "Recycling Authorizations: Toward Secondary and Approximate Authorizations Model (SAAM)," LERSSE technical report, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, LERSSE-TR-2005-01, pp.15: (March, 2005)
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JAMES: Junk Authorizations for Massive-scale Enterprise Services
/ Konstantin Beznosov
The request-response paradigm used for distributed access control solutions commonly leads to point-to-point (PTP) architectures with security enforcement logic obtaining decisions from the authorization servers through remote procedure calls [...]
Published in Konstantin Beznosov, "JAMES: Junk Authorizations for Massive-scale Enterprise Services," given at the School of Computing and Information Sciences, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA, August 15, 2005, pp.29. :
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Flooding and Recycling Authorizations
/ Konstantin Beznosov
The request-response paradigm used for access control solutions commonly leads to point-to-point (PTP) architectures with security enforcement logic obtaining decisions from the authorization servers through remote procedure calls. [...]
Published in Konstantin Beznosov, "Flooding and Recycling Authorizations," presentation given at the New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW), Lake Arrowhead, CA, USA, 22 September, 2005, pp.25. :
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Flooding and Recycling Authorizations
/ Konstantin Beznosov
The request-response paradigm used for access control solutions commonly leads to point-to-point (PTP) architectures with security enforcement logic obtaining decisions from the authorization servers through remote procedure calls. [...]
Published in Konstantin Beznosov, "Flooding and Recycling Authorizations", in Proceedings of New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW), Lake Arrowhead, CA, USA, ACM, 20-23 September, 2005, pp.67-72.:
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