Home > Technical Reports > Recycling Authorizations: Toward Secondary and Approximate Authorizations Model (SAAM) |
LERSSE-REPORT-2005-012 |
Konstantin Beznosov
16 October 2005
Abstract: In large and complex enterprises, obtaining authorizations could be communicationally and/or computationally expensive, and, due to infrastructure failures, some times even impossible. This paper establishes the concept of recycling previously made authorizations for serving new authorization requests. It introduces secondary and approximate authorizations model (SAAM) with the semantics of matching best suitable approximate authorizations.
Keyword(s): access control ; SAAM ; JAMES ; Access Control Models and Languages
Published in: Konstantin Beznosov, "Recycling Authorizations: Toward Secondary and Approximate Authorizations Model (SAAM)," LERSSE technical report, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, LERSSE-TR-2005-01, pp.15: (March, 2005)
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Access Control Models and Languages
Technical Reports