A Security Analysis of the Precise Time Protocol
/ Jeanette Tsang ; Konstantin Beznosov
We present a security analysis of the IEEE 1588 standard, a.k.a [...]
Published in Jeanette Tsang, Konstantin Beznosov, "A Security Analysis of the Precise Time Protocol", presented at the Eighth International Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS), Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, 5 December, 2006.:
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A Security Analysis of the Precise Time Protocol
/ Jeanette Tsang ; Konstantin Beznosov
This paper reports on a security analysis of the IEEE 1588 standard, a.k.a. [...]
Published in Jeanette Tsang, Konstantin Beznosov, "A Security Analysis of the Precise Time Protocol" LERSSE Technical Report LERSSE-TR-2006-02, December 04, 2006.:
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A Security Analysis of the Precise Time Protocol (Short Paper)
/ Jeanette Tsang ; Konstantin Beznosov
This paper reports on a security analysis of the IEEE 1588 standard, a.k.a [...]
Published in Jeanette Tsang, Konstantin Beznosov "A Security Analysis of the Precise Time Protocol (Short Paper)," In Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS), Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, LNCS 4307, 4-7 December, 2006, pp.50-59. :
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Multiple-Channel Security Architecture and Its Implementation over SSL
/ Yong Song ; Konstantin Beznosov ; Victor C.M. Leung
This paper presents multiple-channel SSL (MC-SSL), an architecture and protocol for protecting client-server communications. [...]
Published in Song, Y., Beznosov, K., and Leung, V. C. Multiple-channel security architecture and its implementation over SSL. EURASIP J. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. 2006, 2 (Apr. 2006), 78-78.:
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Multiple-Channel Security Model And Its Implementation Over SSL
/ Yong Song
Multiple-Channel SSL (MC-SSL) is a new model and protocol to secure client-server communication. [...]
Published in Yong Song, "Multiple-Channel Security Model And Its Implementation Over SSL," M.A.Sc. thesis in department of ECE, Vancouver, Canada, University of British Columbia, Fall, 2004, pp.100. :
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Implementing Multiple Channels over SSL
/ Yong Song ; Victor C.M. Leung ; Konstantin Beznosov
Multiple-Channel SSL (MC-SSL) is our model and protocol for the security of client-server communication. [...]
Published in Yong Song, Victor C.M. Leung, and Konstantin Beznosov. Implementing multiple channels over SSL. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on E-business and Telecom-munication Networks, pages 246–253, Setubal, Portugal, 25-28 August 2004.:
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Supporting End-to-end security Across Proxies with Multiple-channel SSL
/ Yong Song ; Victor C.M. Leung ; Konstantin Beznosov
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) has functional limitations that prevent end-to-end security in the presence of untrusted intermediary application proxies used by clients to communicate with servers [...]
Published in Yong Song, Victor C.M. Leung, and Konstantin Beznosov. Supporting end-to-end security across proxies with multiple-channel SSL. In Proceedings of the 19th IFIP International Information Security Conference, pages 246–253, Toulouse, France, 23-26 August 2004.:
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Analysis of Scalable Security – MC-SSL Savings
/ Johnson Lee ; Victor C.M. Leung ; Konstantin Beznosov
This paper investigates how MC-SSL can alleviate the CPU requirements of secure web transactions by using multiple channels, each with its own, different, cipher suite, and switching the channel based on the data’s security requirements [...]
Published in Johnson Lee, Victor C.M. Leung, Konstantin Beznosov, "Analysis of Scalable Security . MC-SSL Savings," Laboratory for Education and Research in Secure Systems Engineering (LERSSE), Vancouver, BC, Canada, University of British Columbia, LERSSE-TR-2005-02, 1 October, 2005, pp.13.:
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