On the Imbalance of the Security Problem Space and its Expected Consequences
/ Konstantin Beznosov ; Olga Beznosova
This paper considers the attacker-defender game in the field of computer security as a three-dimensional phenomenon [...]
Published in Konstantin Beznosov, Olga Beznosova "On the Imbalance of the Security Problem Space and its Expected Consequences," To appear in Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance (HAISA), Plymouth, UK, 10 July, 2007, pp.10. :
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Studying IT Security Professionals: Research Design and Lessons Learned
/ David Botta ; Rodrigo Werlinger ; André Gagné ; Konstantin Beznosov ; et al
The HOT Admin Field Study used qualitative methods to study information technology security administrators. [...]
Published in David Botta, Rodrigo Werlinger, André Gagné, Konstantin Beznosov, Lee Iverson, Sidney Fels, and Brian Fisher, "Studying IT Security Professionals: Research Design and Lessons Learned" position paper at the CHI Workshop on Security User studies: Methodologies and Best Practices, San Francisco, CA, 28 April 2007, 4 pages.:
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Usable Security: Quo Vadis?
/ Konstantin Beznosov
The presentation discusses the current state of HCISec and challanges for future research..
Published in Konstantin Beznosov "Usable Security: Quo Vadis?," presented at the USENIX Security panel on usability and security, Vancouver, BC, Canada, USENIX, 2 August, 2006, pp.9.:
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Summary of the HOT Admin Proposal
/ Konstantin Beznosov ; Sidney Fels ; Brian Fisher ; Lee Iverson
Published in Konstantin Beznosov, Sidney Fels, Brian Fisher, Lee Iverson, "Summary of the HOT Admin Proposal," December 2005, pp. 2.:
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HOT Admin: Human, Organization, and Technology Centred Improvement of the IT Security Administration
/ Konstantin Beznosov ; Sid Fels ; Lee Iverson ; Brian Fisher
While cryptography, access control, accountability, and other security technologies have received a great deal of attention, to our knowledge this is the first attempt to address systematically the interaction of security administrative models and technologies with usability within an organization [...]
Published in Konstantin Beznosov, Sid Fels, Lee Iverson, Brian Fisher, "HOT Admin: Human, Organization, and Technology Centred Improvement of the IT Security Administration," CIPS Vancouver Security SIG Meeting, Vancouver, 8 March, 2006, pp.35.:
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Usability of Security Administration vs. Usability of End-user Security
/ Mary Ellen Zurko ; Steve Chan ; Greg Conti ; Konstantin Beznosov
Having recently received increasing attention, usable security is implicitly all about the end user who employs a computer system to accomplish security-unrelated business or personal goals [...]
Published in Mary Ellen Zurko, Steve Chan, Greg Conti, Konstantin Beznosov, "Usability of Security Administration vs. Usability of End-user Security," slides of the corresponding panel at the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS), Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 8 July, 2005, pp.35.:
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Toward Usable Security Administration
/ Konstantin Beznosov
Administration of protection mechanisms for large networked information enterprises is challenging due to large numbers of application instances resources and users, complex and dynamic business processes, and high (and always growing) volume of change because of the first two (large scale and dynamics). [...]
Published in Konstantin Beznosov, "Toward Usable Security Administration," presented at the 4th Annual Advanced Networks Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 27 April, 2004.:
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Toward Usable Security Administration
/ Konstantin Beznosov
Administration of protection mechanisms for large networked information enterprises is challenging due to large numbers of application instances resources and users, complex and dynamic business processes, and high (and always growing) volume of change because of the first two (large scale and dynamics). [...]
Published in Konstantin Beznosov, "Toward Usable Security Administration," presentation given at the 4th Annual Advanced Networks Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 27 April, 2004.:
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Improving Practical Security Engineering: Overview of the Ongoing Research
/ Konstantin Beznosov
Security engineering is about creating viable solutions to real-world security problems-solutions that would address the requirements, be cost-effective, competitive, and yet be subject to the limitations of today security and software technologies [...]
Published in Konstantin Beznosov, "Improving Practical Security Engineering: Overview of the Ongoing Research," talk given at the Department of Computer Science, Heverlee, Belgium, Catholic University of Leuven, 20 December, 2004. :
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Human Factor in Security Administration: Brainstorming the Research Directions
/ Konstantin Beznosov
Although usability has been acknowledged by the security community as one of the design goals back in 1970s, there is dearth of applications of HCI methods to the domain of computer security in general and security administration in particular. [...]
Published in Konstantin Beznosov, "Human Factor in Security Administration: Brainstorming the Research Directions," presentation given at SEEDS, Vancouver, BC, Canada, SEEDS, ECE, UBC, 2 December, 2003. :
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