A Study on the Influential Neighbors to Maximize Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks
/ Hyoungshick Kim ; Konstantin Beznosov ; Eiko Yoneki
The problem of spreading information is a topic of considerable recent interest, but the traditional influence maximization problem is inadequate for a typical viral marketer who cannot access the entire network topology. [...]
Published in Kim, K. Beznosov, and E. Yoneki, “A Study on the Influential Neighbors to Maximize Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks” in Computational Social Networks, February 2015, v2n3.:
Fulltext: PDF PDF (PDFA);
Automated Social Engineering Attacks in OSNs
/ Yazan Boshmaf ; Konstantin Beznosov ; Matei Ripeanu
In this presentation, we outline the latest automated social engineering attacks in Online Social Networks (OSNs) such as Facebook [...]
Published in Yazan Boshmaf, Konstantin Beznosov, and Matei Ripeanu. Automated social engineering attacks in OSNs. The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (Ottawa), May 2010:
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Human, Organizational and Technological Factors of IT Security
/ Kasia Muldner
Given that Information Technology (IT) has become pervasive in today’s organizations, properly securing systems is critical. [...]
Published in Kasia Muldner, " Human, Organizational and Technological Factors of IT Security", Invited Talk at Acadia University, Wofville, N.S., Canada, 25 January, 2007.:
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Optimizing Re-Evaluation of Malware Distribution Networks
/ Kyle Zeeuwen
The retrieval and analysis of malicious content is an essential task for security researchers. [...]
Published in Kyle Zeeuwen, "Optimizing Re-Evaluation of Malware Distribution Networks", MASc thesis, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, October 2011.:
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Toward Improving Availability and Performance of Enterprise Authorization Services
/ Konstantin Beznosov
In currently deployed large enterprise systems, policy enforcement points (PDPs) are commonly implemented as logically centralized authorization servers [...]
Published in Talk given at the Faculty of Computer Science, Technical University of Dortmund.:
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Creation and Evaluation of SQL Injection Security Tools
/ Fabrizio Monticelli
This work summarizes our research on the topic of the creation and evaluation of security tools against SQL injection attacks (SQLIAs) [...]
Published in Fabrizio Monticelli, "Creation and Evaluation of SQL Injection Security Tools," Master thesis, Milano (MI), Italia, Department of Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano Technical University, Oct, 2008, pp.184. :
Transfer from CDS 0.99.7: PDF;
Integro: Leveraging Victim Prediction for Robust Fake Account Detection in OSNs
/ Yazan Boshmaf ; Dionysios Logothetis ; Georgos Siganos ; Jorge Leria ; et al
Detecting fake accounts in online social networks (OSNs) protects OSN operators and their users from various malicious activities. [...]
Published in Boshmaf et al. "Integro: Leveraging Victim Prediction for Robust Fake Account Detection in OSNs" In proceedings the 2015 Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS'15), San Diego, USA.:
Fulltext: PDF PDF (PDFA);
Integro: Leveraging Victim Prediction for Robust Fake Account Detection in OSNs
/ Yazan Boshmaf ; Dionysios Logothetis ; Georgos Siganos ; Jorge Leria ; et al
Detecting fake accounts in online social networks (OSNs) protects OSN operators and their users from various malicious activities. [...]
Published in Boshmaf et al. "Integro: Leveraging Victim Prediction for Robust Fake Account Detection in OSNs" In proceedings the 2015 Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS'15), San Diego, USA.:
Fulltext: NDSS_260_Final - PDF PDF (PDFA); boshmaf_ndss_2015 - PDF PDF (PDFA);