I’m too Busy to Reset my LinkedIn Password: On the Effectiveness of Password Reset Emails
/ Jun Ho Huh ; Hyoungshick Kim ; Swathi S.V.P. Rayala ; Rakesh B. Bobba ; et al
A common security practice used to deal with a password breach is locking user accounts and sending out an email to tell users that they need to reset their password to unlock their account. [...]
Published in J. H. Huh, H. Kim, S. S. V. Rayala, R. B. Bobba, K. Beznosov, “I’m too busy to reset my LinkedIn password: On the effectiveness of password reset emails,” to appear in Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2017, 5 pages.:
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A Usability Analysis of Microsoft Windows Vista’s Firewall
/ Arun Chebium ; Pooya Jaferian ; Nima Kaviani ; Fahimeh Raja
The usability of personal firewalls has not received a significant amount of attention in the literature. [...]
Published in Arun Chebium, Pooya Jaferian, Nima Kaviani, Fahimeh Raja, "A Usability Analysis of Microsoft Windows Vista’s Firewall", term project report, CPSC 544, University of British Columbia, Canada, Spring 2007. :
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Towards understanding how Touch ID impacts users’ authentication secrets selection for iPhone lock.
/ Ivan Cherapau
Smartphones today store large amounts of data that can be confidential, private or sensitive. [...]
Published in LERSSE-THESIS-2015-003:
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Influencing User Password Choice Through Peer Pressure
/ Andreas Sotirakopoulos
Passwords are the main means of authenticating users in most systems today. [...]
Published in UBC Thesis:
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Surpass: System-initiated User-replaceable Passwords
/ Jun Ho Huh ; Seongyeol Oh ; Hyoungshick Kim ; Konstantin Beznosov
System-generated random passwords have maximum pass- word security and are highly resistant to guessing attacks. [...]
Published in Jun Ho Huh, Seongyeol Oh, Hyoungshick Kim and Konstantin Beznosov. Surpass: System-initiated User-replaceable Passwords. In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS'15), October 2015.:
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On the Memorability of System-generated PINs: Can Chunking Help?
/ Jun Ho Huh ; Hyoungschick Kim ; Rakesh B. Bobba ; Masooda N. Bashir ; et al
To ensure that users do not choose weak personal identification numbers (PINs), many banks give out system-generated random PINs. [...]
Published in Jun Ho Huh, Hyoungschick Kim, Rakesh B. Bobba, Masooda N. Bashir and Konstantin Beznosov. 2015. On the Memorability of System-generated PINs: Can Chunking Help? SOUPS'15: Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada:
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On the Impact of Touch ID on iPhone Passcodes
/ Ivan Cherapau ; Ildar Muslukhov ; Nalin Asanka ; Konstantin Beznosov
Smartphones today store large amounts of data that can be confidential, private or sensitive. [...]
Published in LERSSE-RefConfPaper-2015-001:
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Phishing threat avoidance behaviour: An empirical investigation
/ Nalin Asanka Gamagedara Arachchilage ; Steve Love ; Konstantin Beznosov
Abstract Phishing is an online identity theft that aims to steal sensitive information such as username, password and online banking details from its victims. [...]
Published in Nalin Asanka Gamagedara Arachchilage, Steve Love, Konstantin Beznosov, Phishing threat avoidance behaviour: An empirical investigation, Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 60, July 2016, Pages 185-197, ISSN 0747-5632:
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HOT Admin: Human, Organization, and Technology Centred Improvement of the IT Security Administration
/ Konstantin Beznosov ; Sid Fels ; Lee Iverson ; Brian Fisher
While cryptography, access control, accountability, and other security technologies have received a great deal of attention, to our knowledge this is the first attempt to address systematically the interaction of security administrative models and technologies with usability within an organization [...]
Published in Konstantin Beznosov, Sid Fels, Lee Iverson, Brian Fisher, "HOT Admin: Human, Organization, and Technology Centred Improvement of the IT Security Administration," CIPS Vancouver Security SIG Meeting, Vancouver, 8 March, 2006, pp.35.:
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The Challenges of Using an Intrusion Detection System: Is It Worth the Effort?
/ Rodrigo Werlinger ; Kirstie Hawkey ; Kasia Muldner ; Pooya Jaferian ; et al
An intrusion detection system (IDS) can be a key component of security incident response within organizations. [...]
Published in R. Werlinger, K. Hawkey, K. Muldner, P. Jaferian, and K. Beznosov. The challenges of using an intrusion detection system: Is it worth the effort? In Proc. of ACM Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) , pp 107 - 116 , 2008:
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