Toward Understanding Distributed Cognition in IT Security Management: The Role of Cues and Norms
/ David Botta ; Kasia Muldner ; Kirstie Hawkey ; Konstantin Beznosov
Information technology security management (ITSM) entails significant challenges, including the distribution of tasks and stakeholders across the organization, the need for security practitioners to cooperate with others, and technological complexity. [...]
Published in 1. D. Botta, K. Muldner, K. Hawkey, and K. Beznosov, “Toward Understanding Distributed Cognition in IT Security Management: The Role of Cues and Norms,” accepted for publication to the International Journal of Cognition, Technology and Work on 16 / Aug / 2010.:
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It's Too Complicated, So I Turned It Off! Expectations, Perceptions, and Misconceptions of Personal Firewalls
/ Fahimeh Raja ; Kirstie Hawkey ; Pooya Jaferian ; Konstantin Beznosov ; et al
Even though personal firewalls are an important aspect of security for the users of personal computers, little attention has been given to their usability. [...]
Published in Fahimeh Raja, Kirstie Hawkey, Pooya Jaferian, Konstantin Beznosov, and Kellogg S. Booth. It's Too Complicated, So I Turned It Off! Expectations, Perceptions, and Misconceptions of Personal Firewalls. In Proceedings of the Third ACM Workshop on Assurable & Usable Security Configuration (SafeConfig), October 4, 2010.:
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OpenIDemail Enabled Browser: Towards Fixing the Broken Web Single Sign-On Triangle
/ San-Tsai Sun ; Kirstie Hawkey ; Konstantin Beznosov
Current Web single sign-on (SSO) solutions impose a cognitive burden on web users and do not provide content-hosting and service providers (CSPs) with sufficient incentives to become relying parties (RPs). [...]
Published in San-Tsai Sun, Kirstie Hawkey, and Konstantin Beznosov. OpenIDemail Enabled Browser: Towards Fixing the Broken Web Single Sign-On Triangle. In Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Workshop on Digital Identity Management (DIM), October 8 2010.:
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A Billion Keys, but Few Locks: The Crisis of Web Single Sign-On
/ San-Tsai Sun ; Yazan Boshmaf ; Kirstie Hawkey ; Konstantin Beznosov
OpenID and InfoCard are two mainstream Web single sign-on (SSO) solutions intended for Internet-scale adoption. [...]
Published in San-Tsai Sun, Yazan Boshmaf, Kirstie Hawkey, and Konstantin Beznosov. A Billion Keys, but Few Locks: The Crisis of Web Single Sign-On. In Proceedings of the New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW), September 20-22, 2010. :
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Challenges in evaluating complex IT security management systems
/ Pooya Jaferian ; Kirstie Hawkey ; Konstantin Beznosov
Performing ecologically valid user studies for IT security management (ITSM) systems is challenging. [...]
Published in P. Jaferian, K. Hawkey, and K. Beznosov. Challenges in evaluating complex IT security management systems. In SOUPS Usable Security Experiment Reports (USER) Workshop, 2010.:
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The Challenges of Understanding Users’ Security-related Knowledge, Behaviour, and Motivations
/ Sara Motiee ; Kirstie Hawkey ; Konstantin Beznosov
In order to improve current security solutions or devise novel ones, it is important to understand users' knowledge, behaviour, motivations and challenges in using a security solution. [...]
Published in S. Motiee, K. Hawkey, and K. Beznosov. The Challenges of Understanding Users’ Security-related Knowledge, Behaviour, and Motivations. In SOUPS Usable Security Experiment Reports (USER) Workshop, 2010.:
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Expectations, Perceptions, and Misconceptions of Personal Firewalls
/ Fahimeh Raja ; Kirstie Hawkey ; Pooya Jaferian ; Konstantin Beznosov ; et al
In this research, our goal is to better understand users' knowledge, expectations, perceptions, and misconceptions of personal firewalls. [...]
Published in Raja, F., Jaferian, P., Hawkey, K., Beznosov, K., Booth, K. 2009. Expectations, Perceptions, and Misconceptions of Personal Firewalls. In Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (Redmond, WA, July 14 - 16, 2010). SOUPS '10. ACM, New York, NY, 1-2.:
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Poster: OpenIDemail Enabled Browser, Towards Fixing the Broken Web Single Sign-On Triangle
/ San-Tsai Sun ; Kirstie Hawkey ; Konstantin Beznosov
Current Web single sign-on (SSO) solutions impose a cognitive burden on web users and do not provide content-hosting and service providers (CSPs) with sufficient incentives to become relying parties (RPs). [...]
Published in San-Tsai Sun, Kirstie Hawkey, and Konstantin Beznosov. Poster: Openidemail enabled browser, towards fixing the broken web single sign-on triangl. poster at the SOUPS 2009, July 13th 2010.:
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Poster: Validating and Extending a Study on the Effectiveness of SSL Warnings
/ Andreas Sotirakopoulos ; Kirstie Hawkey ; Konstantin Beznosov
We recently replicated and extended a 2009 study that investigated the effectiveness of SSL warnings. [...]
Published in A. Sotirakopoulos, K. Hawkey, and K. Beznosov. Poster: Validating and extending a study on the effectiveness of ssl warnings. Poster at Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, 2010.:
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"I did it because I trusted you": Challenges with the Study Environment Biasing Participant Behaviours
/ Andreas Sotirakopoulos ; Kirstie Hawkey ; Konstantin Beznosov
We recently replicated and extended a 2009 study that investigated the effectiveness of SSL warnings. [...]
Published in A. Sotirakopoulos, K. Hawkey, and K. Beznosov. "I did it because I trusted you": Challenges with the study environment biasing participant behaviours. In SOUPS Usable Security Experiment Reports (USER) Workshop, 2010.:
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