A Multi-method Approach for User-centered Design of Identity Management Systems
/ Pooya Jaferian ; David Botta ; Kirstie Hawkey ; Konstantin Beznosov
Identity management (IdM) comprises the processes and infrastructure for the creation, maintenance, and use of digital identities. [...]
Published in Pooya Jaferian, David Botta, Kirstie Hawkey, Konstantin Beznosov, A multi-method approach for user-centered design of identity management systems. Poster at SOUPS 2009, Mountain View, CA, 2009. :
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Towards Understanding Diagnostic Work During the Detection and Investigation of Security Incidents
/ Rodrigo Werlinger ; Kasia Muldner ; Kirstie Hawkey ; Konstantin Beznosov
This study investigates how security practitioners perform diagnostic work during the identification of security incidents. [...]
Published in Werlinger, R., Muldner, K., Hawkey, K., and Beznosov, K. (2009). Towards Understanding Diagnostic Work during the Detection and Investigation of Security Incidents. Proc. of Int. Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance (HAISA 2009), Athens, Greece, June 25-26, 2009, 119-132.:
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Revealing Hidden Context: Improving Users' Mental Models of Personal Firewalls
/ Fahimeh Raja ; Kirstie Hawkey ; Konstantin Beznosov
Windows Vista’s personal firewall provides its diverse users with a basic interface that hides many operational details. [...]
Published in Talk given at Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS), July 2009, at Google in Mountain View, California, US.:
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Towards Enabling Web 2.0 Content Sharing Beyond Walled Gardens
/ San-Tsai Sun ; Kirstie Hawkey ; Konstantin Beznosov
Web 2.0 users have many choices of content-hosting or application-service providers (CSPs). [...]
Published in San-Tsai Sun, Kirstie Hawkey, and Konstantin Beznosov. Towards enabling Web 2.0 content sharing beyond walled gardens. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Security and Privacy in Online Social Networking, pages 979-984, August 29th 2009.:
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Revealing Hidden Context: Improving Mental Models of Personal Firewall Users
/ Fahimeh Raja ; Kirstie Hawkey ; Konstantin Beznosov
The Windows Vista personal firewall provides its diverse users with a basic interface that hides many operational details. [...]
Published in Talk given at NSERC ISSNet Workshop 2009, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.:
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Revealing Hidden Context: Improving Mental Models of Personal Firewall Users
/ Fahimeh Raja ; Kirstie Hawkey ; Konstantin Beznosov
The Windows Vista personal firewall provides its diverse users with a basic interface that hides many operational details [...]
Published in Fahimeh Raja, Kirstie Hawkey, and Konstantin Beznosov. Revealing hidden context: Improving
mental models of personal firewall users. In SOUPS '09: Proceedings of the 5th
symposium on Usable privacy and security, New York, NY, USA, 2009. ACM, pp 1-12.
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An integrated view of human, organizational, and technological challenges of IT security management
/ Rodrigo Werlinger ; Kirstie Hawkey ; Konstantin Beznosov
Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this study is to determine the main challenges that IT security practitioners face in their organizations, including the interplay among human, organizational, and technological factors [...]
Published in Rodrigo Werlinger, Kirstie Hawkey and Konstantin Beznosov, "An integrated view of human, organizational, and technological challenges of IT security management", Information Management & Computer Security, vol. 17, n. 1, 2009, pp.4-19.:
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Security Practitioners in Context: Their Activities and Interactions with Other Stakeholders within Organizations
/ Rodrigo Werlinger ; Kirstie Hawkey ; David Botta ; Konstantin Beznosov
This study investigates the context of interactions of IT security practitioners, based on a qualitative analysis of 30 interviews and participatory observation. [...]
Published in Rodrigo Werlinger, Kirstie Hawkey, David Botta, Konstantin Beznosov, "Security Practitioners in Context: Their Activities and Interactions with Other Stakeholders within Organizations", International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 67(7):584–606, March 2009. :
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Towards Improving Mental Models of Personal Firewall Users
/ Fahimeh Raja ; Kirstie Hawkey ; Konstantin Beznosov
Windows Vista’s personal firewall provides its diverse users with a basic interface that hides many operational details. [...]
Published in Fahimeh Raja, Kirstie Hawkey, and Konstantin Beznosov, "Towards Improving Mental Models of Personal Firewall Users," in Proceedings of CHI 2009 (Work in Progress), Boston, USA, 4-9 April, 2009, 6 pages.:
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Auxiliary Material for the Study of Security Practitioners in Context: Their Activities and Interactions with Other Stakeholders Within Organizations
/ Rodrigo Werlinger ; Kirstie Hawkey ; Konstantin Beznosov
This technical report contains additional material for the study, which investigated the context of interactions of IT security practitioners..
Published in Rodrigo Werlinger, Kirstie Hawkey, and Konstantin Beznosov, "Auxiliary Material for the Study of Security Practitioners in Context: Their Activities and Interactions with Other Stakeholders Within Organizations," Tech. Rep. LERSSE-TR-2009-01, Laboratory for Education and Research in Secure Systems Engineering, University of British Columbia, Jan 2009:
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