(539) Security Notifications in Static Analysis Tools: Developers’ Attitudes, Comprehension, and Ability to Act on Them
- Mohammad Tahaei et al
- Mohammad Tahaei, Kami Vaniea, Konstantin Beznosov, Maria K. Wolters. Security Notifications in Static Analysis Tools: Developers’ Attitudes, Comprehension, and Ability to Act on Them. Proceedings of the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI'21), 2021:
- LERSSE-RefConfPaper-2021-004
(498) The U in Crypto Stands for Usable: An Empirical Study of User Experience with Mobile Cryptocurrency Wallets
- Artemij Voskobojnikov et al
- Artemij Voskobojnikov, Oliver Wiese, Masoud Mehrabi Koushki, Volker Roth, Konstantin Beznosov. The U in Crypto Stands for Usable: An Empirical Study of User Experience with Mobile Cryptocurrency Wallets. Proceedings of the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI'21), 2021.:
- LERSSE-RefConfPaper-2021-002
(496) SoK: Human, Organizational, and Technological Dimensions of Developers’ Challenges in Engineering Secure Software
- Azadeh Mokhberi et al
- Azadeh Mokhberi, Konstantin Beznosov. SoK: Human, Organizational, and Technological Dimensions of Developers’ Challenges in Engineering Secure Software. Proceedings of the ACM European Symposium on Usable Security (ACM EuroUSEC'21), 2021:
- LERSSE-RefConfPaper-2021-006
(493) What Makes Security-Related Code Examples Different
- Azadeh Mokhberi et al
- Azadeh Mokhberi, Tiffany Quon, Konstantin Beznosov. What Makes Security-Related Code Examples Different. In The 7th Workshop on Security Information Workers at SOUPS workshops, 2021.:
- LERSSE-RefConfPaper-2021-007
(486) Challenges and Threats of Mass Telecommuting: A Qualitative Study of Workers
- Borke Obada-Obieh et al
- Obada-Obieh, B., Huang, Y., & Beznosov, K. (2021, August). Challenges and Threats of Mass Telecommuting: A Qualitative Study of Workers. In Seventeenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security ({SOUPS} 2021) (pp. 675-694).:
- LERSSE-RefConfPaper-2021-008
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