Home > Technical Reports > Client-Server Semantic Binary Database: Design and Development |
LERSSE-REPORT-2005-006 |
Konstantin Beznosov
16 October 2005
Abstract: This paper describes design and implementation of client-server architecture for Semantic Binary Database Management System developed at High Performance Database Research Center, Florida International University. We present a conceptual view of the system architecture, give a detailed picture of its layers responsible for client-server interaction, describe implementation issues, and, if time constraints allow, present performance tests results.
Keyword(s): databases ; distributed systems ; client-server ; semantic database
Published in: Konstantin Beznosov, "Client-Server Semantic Binary Database: Design and Development," term paper for graduate course COP 6545 \"Advanced Database Systems\", Miami, FL, School of Computer Science, Florida International University, pp.12: (9 December, 1996)
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Technical Reports