Home > Talks/Presentations > A Framework for Implementing Role-based Access Control Using CORBA Security Service |
Konstantin Beznosov
16 October 2005
Abstract: The presentation shows how role-based access control (RBAC) models could be implemented using CORBA Security service. A configuration of CORBA protection system is defined. We provide definitions of RBAC0 and RBAC1 implementations in the framework of CORBA Security and describe what is required from an implementation of CORBA Security service in order to support RBAC0-RBAC3 models. Outline: - CORBA access control model - De nition of CORBA protection state con guration - Framework for implementing RBAC models using CORBA Security Service - Example con gurations of CORBA protection state that support RBAC models
Keyword(s): RBAC ; CORBA Security ; CORBA ; Access Control Models and Languages
Published in: Konstantin Beznosov, "A Framework for Implementing Role-based Access Control Using CORBA Security Service," presented at the Fourth ACM Workshop on Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), Fairfax, Virginia, USA, ACM, 28 October, 1999, pp.29. :
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Access Control Models and Languages