
Multiple-Channel Security Architecture and Its Implementation over SSL

Yong Song ; Konstantin Beznosov ; Victor C.M. Leung

18 October 2006

Abstract: This paper presents multiple-channel SSL (MC-SSL), an architecture and protocol for protecting client-server communications. In contrast to SSL, which provides a single end-to-end secure channel, MC-SSL enables applications to employ multiple channels, each with its own cipher suite and data-flow direction. Our approach also allows for several partially trusted application proxies. The main advantages of MC-SSL over SSL are (a) support for end-to-end security in the presence of partially trusted proxies, and (b) selective data protection for achieving computational efficiency important to resource-constrained clients and heavily loaded servers.

Keyword(s): MC-SSL ; SSL ; mobile security ; TLS ; network security ; proxy

Published in: Song, Y., Beznosov, K., and Leung, V. C. Multiple-channel security architecture and its implementation over SSL. EURASIP J. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. 2006, 2 (Apr. 2006), 78-78.:

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Refereed Journal Papers
Network Security

 Record created 2009-04-27, last modified 2013-05-22

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