Upcoming OMG HealthCare Resource Access Control Facility
/ Konstantin Beznosov
Outline: • CORBA in 5 minutes • CORBA security model • Why HRAC • HRAC concepts • HRAC framework design • Work status
Published in Konstantin Beznosov, "Upcoming OMG HealthCare Resource Access Control Facility," presentation on Resource Access Decision facility given to SIG Secure at HL7 meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, SIG Secure, HL7, 26 January, 1999, pp.14.:
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Resource Names for Resource Access Decision (Facility)
/ Konstantin Beznosov
Presentation given to the joint SecSIG/CORBAmed session on Resource Access Decision facility, as part of the presentation on the revised submission to the OMG Healthcare Resource Access Control RFP [...]
Published in Konstantin Beznosov, "Resource Names for Resource Access Decision (Facility)," presentation given to the joint SecSIG/CORBAmed, OMG, OMG doc # corbamed/99-03-11, 22 March, 1999, pp.18. :
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Resource Access Decision Facility: Overview
/ Konstantin Beznosov
Outline: • Why you need Resource Access Decision Facility • Main aspects of RAD specification design • Main design decisions made by RAD submission team
Published in Konstantin Beznosov, "Resource Access Decision Facility: Overview," presentation given at DOCsec Workshop, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, OMG, 15 July, 1999, pp.21.:
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A Design of An Authorization Service
/ Konstantin Beznosov
Outline: • CORBA security model • What CORBA Access Model does[ not] Cover • Healthcare Resource Access Control (H-RAC) high level view • Authorization Service framework design details
Published in Konstantin Beznosov, "A Design of An Authorization Service," presentation given at CADSE, Miami, FL, USA, SCS, FIU, 12 February, 1999, pp.16. :
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