Konstantin Beznosov
16 October 2005
Abstract: Learning objectives: Comprehend the principles of security accountability and availability. Overview: Key principles of security accountability and availability are outlined and applied to application design, implementation and deployment. The impact of security audit and non-repudiation on accountability is reviewed. General concepts of security, and fault tolerance in particular, are discussed: * errors, * faults, * failures, * failure modes, * the Byzantine generals problem. Exposure to both security attacks designed to hamper the accountability and availability properties of systems, and available countermeasures is provided.
Keyword(s): accountability ; availability
Published in: Konstantin Beznosov, "Accountability and Availability," lecture given at the secure application development course SecAppDev course, Brussels, Belgium, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 1 March, 2005, pp.43. :
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