
Issues in the Security Architecture of the Computerized Patient Record Enterprise

Konstantin Beznosov

16 October 2005

Abstract: We discuss issues in CPR enterprise security architecture. The main goal is to provide a security environment where a user will be viewed the same across all enterprise systems, and access control decisions will be consistent across all components of the CPR enterprise.

Keyword(s): security architecture ; CPR ; computerized patient record ; Engineering Security Mechanisms

Published in: Konstantin Beznosov, "Issues in the Security Architecture of the Computerized Patient Record Enterprise," in Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Distributed Object Computing Security (DOCSec), Baltimore, Maryland, USA, pp.5: (May, 1998)

The record appears in these collections:
Engineering Security Mechanisms
Unrefereed Conference Papers

 Record created 2009-04-27, last modified 2013-05-22

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